Last Updated on May 25, 2022
Buoh is a very basic comic strip program that sports access to more than 130 comics. We experienced a few crashes on one of our systems, but performance is satisfactory.
Buoh hasn’t seen any significant development since 2006, so it’s not surprising that some of the comics are no longer available. But most of them are still accessible.
There are more sophisticated comic book readers available than Buoh. We’ve written a Group Test showcasing the best open source comic book viewers.
Buoh is written in C. If you’re looking to improve your knowledge of this language, check out our recommended free C books and free C tutorials.
Support: FAQ, GitLab Code Repository
Developer: Pablo Arroyo Loma, Esteban Sanchez Muñoz, Carlos García Campos
License: GNU Gneral Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version
Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary
Complete list of articles in this series:
Linux Candy | |
ASCIIQuarium | Embrace marine life from the terminal with beautiful ASCII art |
ASCII Art Converter | A small utility that converts images into ASCII art |
BobRossQuotes | Collection of quotes from Bob Ross |
Boxes | Command line ASCII boxes |
Buoh | Online strips comics reader |
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catclock | xclock with an enhanced cat mode |
cbonsai | Generate bonsai trees in the terminal |
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chucknorris | Chuck Norris jokes in your terminal |
cornyjokes | Corny jokes for the terminal |
CMatrix | ncurses program that simulates the display from “The Matrix” |
ctree | A Christmas tree right on your terminal |
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emoj | Simple tool that to find suitable emojis for pasting to your clipboard |
Emote | Modern popup emoji picker |
Evolvotron | Interactive generative art |
Fantascene | Dynamic wallpaper changer |
Fondo | Find beautiful wallpapers from Unsplash |
gti | Typo-based curio inspired by Steam Locomotive |
Hollywood | Fill your console with Hollywood melodrama technobabble |
linuxwave | Generate music from the entropy of Linux |
lolcat | Rainbows and unicorns |
No More Secrets | Recreates the data decryption effect from the Sneakers movie |
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nyancat | Terminal-based Pop Tart Cat Animation |
oneko | Animal chasing fun | | Animated pipes terminal screensaver |
ponysay | cowsay reimplemention for ponies |
projectM | Music visualizer originally based on Milkdrop |
pscircle | A different take on the venerable ps command |
pyjokes | One line jokes for programmers |
Pywal | Generate color schemes on the fly |
Relaxator | Relax to soothing sounds |
Rusty Aquarium | Monitoring by visualization |
Steam Locomotive | C program written in 295 lines. It's harmless fun |
Ternimal | Animated lifeform in the terminal |
terminal-parrot | Party parrot time |
tetris | Tile-matching puzzle video game in your terminal |
Variety | Wallpaper manager with many desktops and wallpaper sources |
WallGen | Generate HQ poly wallpapers with a few arguments. |
WallpaperDownloader | Download, change, and manage wallpapers |
xcowsay | Displays a cow on your desktop with message |
XDecorations | Add some festive cheer to your desktop |
XScreenSaver | Framework and collection of screensavers |