Selection of utilities

Best Free and Open Source Software – Utilities

Last Updated on February 5, 2025

Let’s kick off with a collection of detailed reviews highlighting 45 essential utilities. They are small, indispensable tools, useful for anyone running a Linux machine. They cover a wide spectrum of utilities.

The following articles focus on specific topics.

A kind of system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer
Alternatives to TopAlternatives to Top - top is a small utility that offers a dynamic real-time view of a running system. This article identifies alternatives to top that offer more control in managing processes on a running system.
Archive ManagersArchive Managers: Graphical Archive Managers, Terminal-Based Archive Managers - A file archiver is computer software which brings together a group of files into a single archive file. An archive file is therefore a collection of files and directories that are stored in one file.
Console Batch Renamers
Batch Renamers: Graphical Batch Renamers and Terminal-Based Batch Renamers - Batch rename files and directories quickly and safely with these useful apps.
Benchmark ToolsBenchmark Tools - A benchmark is the act of running computer programs in order to assess the performance of computer hardware and software applications.
Boot UtilitiesBoot Utilities - Improve the load time of your system, customize the booster loader and create bootable live USB drives without burning optical media.
Character Maps - A character map allows you to view and access the characters in a particular font.
Clipboard ManagersClipboard Managers - Small lean applications that focus on speed and efficiency. This type of application lets you copy and manage items to your clipboard. Copying, searching, managing and sharing clips is common functionality offered by this type of application.
GUI Command SchedulersCommand Schedulers: Graphical Schedulers and Command-Line Schedulers - Users who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.
Compression ToolsCompression Tools - Data compression is the process of storing data in a format that uses less space than the original representation would use. Compressing data can be very useful particularly in the field of communications as it enables devices to transmit or store data in fewer bits.
Multi-core CompressionCompression Tools (Multi core) - Use all the cores present on your system when compressing files, offering massive speed advantages.
Dictionary ToolsDictionary Tools - Look up words and phrases or different languages in multiple dictionary file formats
Console Diff ToolsDiff Tools (Console) - A roundup focusing solely on terminal (console) based software including great tools like diff-so-fancy.
Diff ToolsDiff Tools - File comparison compares the contents of computer files, finding their common contents and their differences. The result of the comparison is often known as a diff.
Core UtilitiesDrop-in replacements for Core Utilities - Budding open source developers have tasked themselves to modernise some of the coreutils.
Find and delete duplicate filesDuplicate Files (Find and Delete): GUI Tools and CLI Tools - Good duplicate finding software compares more than just a filename – including the file size – so it doesn’t remove files which are different to each other.
E-book Toolse-book Tools - An electronic book (commonly abbreviated e-book) is a text and image-based publication which can be read on a computer or other digital devices such as an e-book reader. Read e-books on a desktop computer or notebook
Flash OS ImagesFlash OS Images - Install various Linux distributions and operating systems on a removable flash drive or external hard disk.
Flatpak Tools - Flatpak is an open source containerized package format similar to Snap. We recommend useful Flatpak tools.
Fried chicken iconFood and Drink - Looking to keep fit, make beer, or master the art of cooking? Try this software.
Font ToolsFonts: We reccomend the finest Font Renderers, Fonts, Font Viewers, Font Managers, and Font Editors.
x10 Home AutomationHome Automation - Home Automation software is software that lets you control and monitor common home and office appliances using a computer.
x10 Home AutomationHome Automation (X10) - X10 is an open standard for controlling home electrical equipment remotely. It works across home power lines and is extremely low-bandwidth.
KVM Switches (Software-Based) - Software that mimics a hardware KVM switch. Use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen, or by using a keypress to switch focus to a different system.
Monitor CalibrationMonitor Calibration - The objective when calibrating a monitor is to ensure the monitor has color references known by everyone (humans and software).
Command Line Navigation ToolsNavigation Tools (CLI) - Tiny but useful tools that complement the cd command. They help users to navigate faster around the filesystem, and increase productivity when using the shell.
Password ManagersPassword Managers - A password manager is a utility which helps users store and retrieve passwords and other data. Most password managers use a local database to hold the encrypted password data.
Reclaiming Disk SpaceReclaiming Disk Space - Graphical utilities designed to make tracking down wasted disk space effortless.
Replacements for duReplacements for du - Programs used to estimate file space usage. du is part of coreutils.
Replacements for lsReplacements for ls - Recommended replacements for ls, a command to list computer files. ls is part of coreutils.
Universal AccessScreen-readers - Screen-readers read the contents of a visual display. They can use a speech synthesizer to read text aloud letting users listen to the contents appearing in different parts of the display. Other software communicates data via a braille display.
Search FilesystemSearch the Filesystem - Desktop search is a software application which searches the contents of computer files, rather than searching the internet.
Icon for a shellShells - The shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform. This environment lets users run commands, programs, and shell scripts.
Sign outShutdown Timers - These tools let you turn off or suspend a computer at a specified time. They feature various time and delay options.
Software Installation: AppImage Desktop Integration Tools - integrate AppImages with your desktop's app launcher. AppImage Package Managers - manage your AppImages.
System CleaningSystem Cleaning - Vaccum up the detritus on your computer. This software ensures your computer system retains its vitality.
System MonitoringSystem Resource Monitoring (GUI Tools) are targeted at a desktop user who wants to monitor resources being used on their machine.
Terminal MultiplexersTerminal Multiplexers - Exploit the full power of the terminal. Improve your productivity at the console. Combine one of these terminal multiplexers with a tiling window manager, and you’ve got a low resource desktop environment.
Universal AccessUniversal Access - Accessibility is the degree to which products, devices, services, or environments are available to as many people as possible whatever their circumstances.
Virtual KeyboardsVirtual Keyboards is software that displays a visual keyboard with all the standard keys. Use a mouse or another pointing device to select keys.
Wallpaper SettersWallpaper Setters - Do you find your Linux desktop background rather mundane but have problems in finding attractive wallpapers?
Zsh Configuration Frameworks - We highly recommend installing a framework with Zsh as it makes dealing with configuration, plugins and themes a lot more straightforward.
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