This article spotlights alternative tools to sed.
The software featured here is free and open source. All tools provide a command-line interface (CLI) unless otherwise stated.
Alternatives to sed | |
sad | Space Age seD |
sd | Intuitive find and replace CLI |
Sed-Go | Implementation of sed in Go |
ruplacer | Find and replace text in source files |
ripgrep | Recursively search directories for a regex pattern |
amber | Code search and replace tool |
rep | Perform find and replace on grep-formatted lines |
repgrep | Interactive replacer for ripgrep |
srgn | Code surgeon for searching and manipulating text and source code |
teip | Masking tape to help commands "do one thing well" |
Have we missed any open source alternatives to sed? Please let us know!
All the CLI tools in this series.
Alternatives to CLI tools |
age // awk // bc // cal // cat // cd // chmod // cksum // cloc // cmp // compress // cp // cron // curl // cut // date // dd // df // diff // dig // du // fdisk // find // ftp // grep // gzip // hexdump // history // jq // kill // less // locate // ls // lsof // make // man // more // mv / ping // ps // psql // rename // rm // sed // split // ssh // strings // sudo // sysctl // tail // talk // tar // telnet // time // top // touch // traceroute // tree // uname // uniq // uptime // vi // watch // Wget // who // whois // xargs |
![]() Spotted a useful open source Linux program not covered on our site? Please let us know by completing this form. The software collection forms part of our series of informative articles for Linux enthusiasts. There are hundreds of in-depth reviews, open source alternatives to proprietary software from large corporations like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, and Autodesk. There are also fun things to try, hardware, free programming books and tutorials, and much more. |
Your missing the command-line tool called sad. It’s written in Rust.
That’s a good one. sad has been added!
So many of these new-generation tools are written in Rust