
Webmin – web-based interface for system administration

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration of Linux servers and services. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more.

Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely.

Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use no non-standard Perl modules.

Modules included:

  • ADSL Client – Set up a PPP client with the RP-PPPoE package.
  • Apache Webserver – Configure almost all Apache directives and features.
  • BIND 4 DNS Server – Create and edit domains and DNS records.
  • BIND DNS Server – Create and edits domains, DNS records, BIND options and views.
  • Backup Configuration Files – Perform manual or scheduled backups and restores of configuration files managed by Webmin modules.
  • Bacula Backup System – Configure Bacula to perform backups and restores manually or on schedule, for one or many systems.
  • Bandwidth Monitoring – View reports on bandwidth usage by host, port, protocol and time on a Linux system.
  • Bootup and Shutdown – Setup scripts to be run at boot time from /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.local.
  • CD Burner – Burn data CDs from ISO images or selected directories.
  • CVS Server – Setup a remotely-accessible CVS server, manage users and browse the repository.
  • Change Language and Theme – Allow the current Webmin user to change his language, theme and possibly password.
  • Change Passwords – Change the password of any user on the system.
  • Cluster Change Passwords – Change passwords on multiple systems in a Webmin cluster at once.
  • Cluster Copy Files – Schedule the transfer of files from this server to multiple servers in a Webmin cluster.
  • Cluster Cron Jobs – Create scheduled Cron jobs that run on multiple servers simultaneously.
  • Cluster Shell Commands – Run commands on multiple servers at once.
  • Cluster Software Packages – Install RPMs, Debian and Solaris packages across multiple servers from one source.
  • Cluster Usermin Servers – Install and manage modules and themes across multiple Usermin servers.
  • Cluster Users and Groups – Create, update and delete users and groups across multiple servers. Unlike NIS, each server has its own passwd and group files which are remotely updated by this module.
  • Cluster Webmin Servers – Install and manage modules, themes, users, groups and access control settings across multiple Webmin servers.
  • Command Shell – Execute shell commands and view their output.
  • Configuration Engine – Configure the CFengine program, for checking and maintaining various system-administration settings.
  • Custom Commands – Create buttons to execute commonly used commands or edit files on your system.
  • DHCP Server – Manage shared networks, subnets, hosts and groups for ISC DHCPD.
  • Disk Quotas – Setup and edit user or group disk quotas for local filesystems.
  • Disk and Network Filesystems – Mount filesystems and swap files usually configured in /etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab.
  • Dovecot IMAP/POP3 Server – Configure the Dovecot IMAP and POP3 mail retrieval server.
  • Extended Internet Services – Edit servers handled by Xinetd, a replacement for inetd.
  • Fetchmail Mail Retrieval – Configure the popular fetchmail program for automatically retrieving mail from other servers.
  • File Manager – View, edit and change permissions on files and directories on your system with a Windows-like file manager.
  • Filesystem Backup – Backup and restore filesystems using the dump and restore family of commands.
  • Filter and Forward Mail – Create rules to filter and forward incoming email.
  • Frox FTP Proxy – Configure Frox, a transparent proxy for FTP clients.
  • GRUB Boot Loader – Configure the Linux GRUB boot loader to allow the selection of various operating systems and kernels at boot time.
  • HTTP Tunnel – Connect to another HTTP server via a tunnel through the Webmin server
  • Heartbeat Monitor – Configure the Heartbeat package for automatic server failover in a cluster.
  • IPsec VPN Configuration – Set up a client or server for an IPsec VPN using FreeSWAN.
  • Internet Services and Protocols – Edit services in /etc/inetd.conf, /etc/services and /etc/rpc.
  • Jabber IM Server – Configure the multi-protocol Jabber messaging server.
  • Kerberos5 – Configure the Kerberos 5 client on your system.
  • LDAP Client – Configure your system as an LDAP client for users and groups.
  • LDAP Server – Manage the OpenLDAP server and objects in its database.
  • LDAP Users and Groups – Manage users and groups stored in an LDAP database, used for Unix, Samba and Cyrus IMAP authentication.
  • Linux Bootup Configuration – Edit kernels and partitions selectable at boot time with LILO.
  • Linux Firewall – Configure a Linux firewall using iptables. Allows the editing of all tables, chains, rules and options.
  • Linux RAID – Create RAID 0, 1, 4, 5 and linear devices on a Linux system.
  • Log File Rotation – Set up the automatic rotation of Apache, Squid, Syslog and other log files.
  • Logical Volume Management – Configure volume groups, physical volumes and logical volumes for Linux LVM.
  • MIME Type Programs – Edit the /etc/mailcap file, which maps MIME types to handler programs.
  • MON Service Monitor – Setup MON, a powerful service monitor and alerting system.
  • Majordomo List Manager – Create and configure mailing lists for Majordomo.
  • MySQL Database Server – Setup databases, tables and permissions in your MySQL database server.
  • NFS Exports – Edit NFS file shares defined in /etc/exports.
  • NFS v4 Exports – Edit NFS file shares defined in /etc/exports.
  • NIS Client and Server – Setup a system as an NIS client, master or slave server. Note that NIS+ is not supported.
  • Network Configuration – Configure boot time and active interfaces, DNS, routing and /etc/hosts.
  • OpenSLP Server – Configure the service location protocol server.
  • PAM Authentication – Configure the PAM authentication steps used by services such as telnet, POP and FTP.
  • PHP Configuration – Configure PHP settings for the whole system or invidivual Apache virtual servers.
  • PPP Dialin Server – Set up a dialin server using mgetty and PPP.
  • PPP Dialup Client – Configure the WV-Dial package to connect to the Internet with a modem PPP connection.
  • PPTP VPN Client – Configure and establish connections to a VPN server using the PPTP protocol.
  • PPTP VPN Server – Set up your system as a PPTP server so that Linux or Windows VPN clients can connect.
  • Partitions on Local Disks – Create and edit partitions on local SCSI and IDE disks on Linux.
  • Perl Modules – Install new Perl modules on your system, and view those already installed.
  • Postfix Mail Server – Configure the Postfix mail server.
  • PostgreSQL Database Server – Manage databases, tables and users in your PostgreSQL database server.
  • Printer Administration – Create and edit local and remote printers. Supports Windows print servers and Ghostscript print drivers.
  • ProFTPD Server – Configure the powerful ProFTPD FTP server. Supports all options in most of the standard modules.
  • Procmail Mail Filter – Edit recipes in the global /etc/procmailrc file, which apply to all incoming email.
  • Protected Web Directories – Create .htaccess and htpasswd files to protect web-acessible directories.
  • QMail Mail Server – Configure the QMail mail server, a simpler alternative to Sendmail.
  • Read User Mail – Read email in users’ mailboxes.
  • Running Processes – List, kill and renice running processes on your system.
  • SMART Drive Status – Check the status of IDE drives to detect problems and potential failures.
  • SSH Server – Setup the SSH server for remote secure logins.
  • SSH/Telnet Login – Login to your system with telnet or SSH.
  • SSL Tunnels – Setup SSL tunnels to encrypt services like POP3 and IMAP, using stunnel run from inetd.
  • Samba Windows File Sharing – Create and edit samba file and print shares.
  • Scheduled Commands – Schedule the execution of one-off commands or scripts.
  • Scheduled Cron Jobs – Create, edit and delete Cron jobs.
  • Security Sentries – Configure the portsentry, hostsentry and logcheck system security monitoring programs.
  • Sendmail Mail Server – Manage sendmail aliases, masquerading, address rewriting and other features.
  • Shoreline Firewall – Lets you edit the most useful tables of the Shoreline Firewall.
  • Software Packages – Manage software packages on your system, and install new packages.
  • SpamAssassin Mail Filter – Set up and configure SpamAssassin to filter email received by your system.
  • Squid Analysis Report Generator – Configure and schedule SARG, a tool for generating reports from Squid access logs.
  • Squid Proxy Server – Configure Squid options, ACLs, caching parameters and proxy users.
  • SysV Init Configuration – Configure low-level services to be run at boot time, and select the initial runlevel.
  • System Documentation – View man pages, HOWTOs and other package documentation.
  • System Logs – Configure the syslog server on your system and view its log files.
  • System Logs NG – Configure the Syslog-NG server on your system and view its log files.
  • System Time – Set the sytem and hardware time either manually or from a time server.
  • System and Server Status – View the status of services on your system and on remote systems.
  • Thirdlane PBX Manager – Thirdlane PBX Manager.
  • Upload and Download – Upload multiple files to the server, and download multiple URLs either immediately or in the background at a scheduled time.
  • Usermin Configuration – Configure global options for the Usermin user account management server.
  • Users and Groups – Create and edit Unix users and groups from the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
  • Voicemail Server – Set up your system as an answering machine using vgetty.
  • WU-FTP Server – Configure the access control, anonymous FTP and other options of WU-FTPd.
  • Webalizer Logfile Analysis – Generate reports from webserver, proxy server and FTP log files.
  • Webmin Actions Log – View detailed logs of actions by Webmin users.
  • Webmin Configuration – Configure Webmin itself, such as allowed hosts, SSL, installed modules and themes.
  • Webmin Servers Index – Displays an index of other Webmin servers for easy linking.
  • Webmin Users – Create Webmin users and configure which modules and features they are allowed to access.
  • idmapd daemon – Manage the NFS ID mapping daemon.

Support: FAQ, Introduction to Webmin
Developer: Jamie Cameron and other contributors
License: BSD-like licence

Webmin is written in Perl. Learn Perl with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

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