Music Players

Sayonara Player – small, clear and fast audio player

Last Updated on May 29, 2021

Other Features

If you don’t have the screen estate, you can turn off the library and large cover album art. Here’s a compact view of the player.

Sayonara: Compact

And you can turn off the dark mode if you prefer.

Sayonara: Light Theme

There’s support for lyrics from the Info / Edit box (accessed by right clicking on a track and selecting Lyrics from the menu), either in the track list or from a playlist.

Sayonara: Lyrics

You’ve the choice of various lyrics providers: Wikia, Musixmatch,, Genius, MetroLyrics,, Lyrics Keeper, eLyrics, and Golyr. The Info / Edit box also lets you access the metadata editor, tags from path, and the album covers.

What else is there on offer? Here’s a short summary of other features.

  • Bookmarks – there’s the option to set bookmark positions in tracks. The software lets you add bookmarks to a track and jump between them. Between two bookmarks you can set the repeat checkbox which repeats the passage.
  • Full screen view.
  • Radio broadcasting which lets you play your music on a media player in your network.
  • Remote controllable.
  • Desktop integration (D-Bus MPRIS2 compatible). The Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification (MPRIS) is a standard D-Bus interface which aims to provide a common programmatic API for controlling media players.
  • Rate each track.
  • Multimedia keys.
  • Shutdown your PC.
  • Internationalization support.

Next page: Page 8 – Memory Consumption

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Playlists
Page 4 – Gapless playback
Page 5 – Internet
Page 6 – Frippery
Page 7 – Other Features
Page 8 – Memory usage
Page 9 – Preferences
Page 10 – Summary

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