Development Tools

Vely – general purpose framework

Vely is a C programming language framework for rapid building of general purpose applications. It’s especially well suited for web applications.

A Vely application works by processing standard HTTP requests. This standardizes the program interfaces across the board.

This is free and open source software.

Features include:

  • Easy and rapid development, without interpreters or byte-code schemes.
  • Can be used to develop web applications, command-line programs, as middleware, database applications, services software, data integration, Internet Of Things (IOT)
  • Database support is included (MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite).
  • Helps to make it easier to containerize applications.
  • Tested on a wide range of distributions.

Website: No longer publicly developed
Developer: Sergio Mijatovic
License: Eclipse Public License 2 (EPL-2)

Vely is written in C. Learn C with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

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1 year ago

Vely is EPL-2 licensed, not GPL. It’s a big difference, since Eclipse 2 is very business friendly, whereas GPL is definitely not. We just went through vetting Vely for corporate use, so I am sure of that. Just FYI, so people don’t get confused.

11 months ago

Vely web site has been down since late December 2023, and the github page is inaccessible as well. Seems gone. Perhaps remove it as it’s no longer active?

Alex W
Alex W
11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

God knows why the developer of Vely has tried to remove all trace of the project including deleting their github and gitlab repositories, but the latest code is still available if you know where to look. I’m still using the software.

I’ve got a copy of the last release, so if anyone wants it, let me know here. As it’s open source I think distribution is still perfectly legal.

11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

I actually asked the developers what’s happening maybe a month ago. The reply was very long, but here’s the gist of it. They are concerned with new strict liability laws in the EU and maybe the US, where one might be liable if software doesnt work as expected. I think at least one of the developers is in the European Union. Europe will soon have strict liability for software, and while Foss may be excluded, I don’t think it’s entirely so. US will not be far behind. And on top of that, the EU will soon have a patent system like in the US/Japan, which means patent trolls are coming to Europe, which didn’t really have software patents the way we in the US have them. I think trolls are not there yet, but soon. I remember how patent trolls tried to extort Gnome project a few years back. It was scary for sure. And now it will be even easier for trolls and they’re saying so, and I think they are right about that. Perhaps their reasoning seems a bit paranoid at the moment, but it may not be for long. I think huge changes and especially consolidation are coming to open source. An open source developer may soon have to pay for insurance against liability/copyright/patent issues, as typical disclaimers may be invalid at some point. I can understand how some people don’t want to have anything to do with it. They did tell me they will continue work on Vely in private and that it might come back if things turn out to be better than how they see it. We will see. I sure hope so.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vic

It certainly won’t kill open source software even if the provisional political agreement reached on the EU’s revised Product Liability Directive on 14 December 2023 passes.

The proposed directive will not include free and open source software developed or supplied outside the course of a commercial activity.

And the big companies that use open source software will already have insurance in place.

A lot of the stuff you read is just knee-jerk reaction.

Patent trolls have been going for many years. With little/no success against open source projects.

11 months ago
Reply to  Alain

Agreed, this is mostly another case of FUD.

The thoughts on tech sites are almost always written by individuals who have zero legal expertise; they are not experienced solicitors.

Only time will tell and the law only really becomes clear with case law.