Time tracking

18 Best Free and Open Source Linux Time Tracking Software

Time tracking software is a type of computer software that records time spent on tasks. This category of software can enable users to run billing reports, and prepare invoices for clients.

The deployment of this software offers a new level of productivity to organizations, as it provides management with information on what time is spent by employees on different activities such as projects and tasks. This can help to measure productivity over time. This software is commonly used by professionals that charge clients by the hour such as accountants, solicitors, and freelancers. The generation of automatic invoices with minimal or no data entry removes the inconvenience of billing and invoicing clients, and improves efficiency.

A fairly wide range of free Linux time tracking tools are available. This article identifies our favourite tools. We’ve restricted our selection to GUI software. There’s a separate Group Test for console based time tracking software.

Our verdict is captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion here.

Ratings chart

Let’s explore the 18 time tracking applications at hand. Click the links in the table below to learn all about each program.

Time Tracking
KimaiWeb based software that tracks work time, and classifies it
Project HamsterTime tracking applet for the GNOME desktop environment
Time TrackerSimple time-tracker program for GNOME
Time CopBilled as a time tracking app that respects your privacy
Task CoachDesigned to deal with composite tasks
dotProjectWeb-based, multi-user, multi-language project management application
KapowPunch clock program designed to track time
KTimetrackerTodo management and time tracking application
TimeSlotTrackerJava based time tracking tool
TimetrackSimple timetrack app for GNOME
KhronosSimple tool to let you track the time spent on a task
BaralgaSimple and lightweight time tracking
TimeITUnobtrusive time tracker
Play TimerNative-feeling timers
dxtimeSmall program for time tracking using wxWidgets, wxSQLite, and SQLIte3
Toggl DesktopToggl time tracking client
RachotaDesigned for personal timetracking of projects
CharmCross-platform software for professionals

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

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9 months ago

Some time trackers (like KTimeTracker) have a very useful feature: virtual-desktop-related time-tracking. That way, you can use a virtual desktop for each group of tasks, and automatically track how much time you spend on each group of tasks :-).

For example, one good idea is having:
– One virtual desktop for working.
– One virtual desktop for reading the news.
– One virtual desktop for studying.
– One virtual desktop for leisure time.

That way, you can keep the time you spend working, or reading the news, etc. easily (without having to start/stop tasks throughout the whole day!).

For example, every virtual desktop can have its web browser, file manager, etc. so you can work without minding (all day long) if your web browser is on one page (or another) in order to track the time.