
Nora is billed as an elegant music player


Here’s an image of the Settings pane.

Nora Settings
Click image for full size

There’s plenty of customization options available including:

  • Appearance – Light, Dark and System theme.
  • Internationalization – currently this only lets us choose English.
  • Playback rate with a slider from 0.25x to 4x rate. The main reason to alter the playback rate is when listening to podcasts.
  • Integration with
  • Support for Musixmatch lyrics. This feature offers synced and unsynced lyrics for your playlist on-demand. There’s also the option to save lyrics.
  • Graphic Equalizer. If you need this functionality, your music setup really needs some love and care.
  • Tweaks for accessibility, performance, and generation of storage metrics.

Next page: Page 4 – Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Settings
Page 4 – Summary

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Ammonius of Athens
Ammonius of Athens
6 months ago

Electron = bloat

6 months ago

There are a lot of design decisions which have to be made by a developer when starting a project. It’s so important to start from a good foundation.

So often, poor decisions at the start really hamper a project. Nora’s developer seems stymied adding gapless playback because of a poor choice of framework.

I don’t recall seeing Electron-based music players offering gapless playback. At least I’ve never seen one, but maybe there is?

6 months ago

A shame that Electron was chosen. It’s such an awful framework.

6 months ago

I will continue to use a WINAMP type clone, under linux. I rather have simple and nice looks. For video, VLC is the one. Most linux are too bloated with options. That maybe okay for a new user, but a hard user a stripper option need to be offered. As in the newer DEBIAN install, One can do a base desktop install with no extra fluff software. A APT install will get you all needed tools and toys. Bloat can be a good learning thing for a new user, to see and use other options. But a hard core user doesn’t need the fluff.

6 months ago
Reply to  analogtek

VLC is bloated for video (and terrible for audio as it doesn’t even have gapless playback).

mpv is definitely superior for video.