CNC Software

gSender – connect to and control Grbl-based CNCs

gSender is a feature-packed CNC interface application.

It’s designed to be clean and easy to learn while retaining a depth of capabilities for advanced users. It was created to bring new concepts to the existing landscape of grbl senders in an effort to advance functionality and ease-of-use.

This is free and open source software.

Features include:

  • Accepts standard, grbl-compliant g-code and has been verified to work with many of the common CAM programs.
  • Grbl and grblHAL controllers supported.
  • Smart machine connection.
  • 3-axis digital readout (DRO) with manual value entry.
  • All-directional jogging with XY diagonals, jog presets, and incremental/continuous single-button handling.
  • Zero-setting and gotos (independent and combined).
  • Probing in any direction plus safe continuity detection ensures no broken cutting tools.
  • Full imperial/metric compatibility.
  • Responsive screen design and workspace customizations including visualizer light and dark theme.
  • 3D toolpath visualization (no machine connection required).
  • File insight on load (feed range, spindle range, tools used, estimated cutting time, and overall, max, and min dimensions).
  • Feed override and active job status indicators.
  • Fully exposed keyboard shortcuts for external keyboard/keypad control.
  • Joystick support built-in for a variety of controllers.
  • Safe height movements – accommodates machines with or without endstops.
  • Homing cycle and quick-movement locations available for machines with homing hardware.
  • Full spindle/laser support via manual control widgets, active alerting, and live overrides.
  • Full mist/flood coolant support via manual control widgets and active alerting.
  • Macros buttons (rearrangeable) with enhanced macro variables and individually assignable keyboard shortcuts.
  • Lightweight mode reduces processing intensity on less powerful hardware or when running larger files.
  • Easy workspace swapping for more advanced jigging or alignment work.
  • Optional automatic handling for common error throwing g-code.
  • Firmware tool for easier grbl EEPROM changes, loading defaults, and grbl flashing.
  • Surfacing tool auto-generates surfacing g-code based on machine cutting area and other preferences, ready to execute.
  • Calibration tool for axis alignment – a step by step process to make sure your CNC is square.
  • Movement tuning tool for calibrating motor axis movements.
  • Tool change functionality – pause, ignore, or run code blocks on M6 commands.
  • Start-from-line functionality to resume jobs part-way through in case of failure of abort.
  • Outline functionality indicates the rough bounds of the job before cutting.
  • Customizable g-code injection at job start and end.
  • Tooltips for data entry points.
  • Alarm warning explanations to better contextualize CNC errors.
  • Sleep management to keep PC awake during g-code sending.
  • Pre-built machine profiles, including:
    • LongMill
    • Shapeoko
    • X-carve
    • OpenBuilds CNCs
    • 3018 CNC & PROVer
    • BobsCNC CNCs
    • CNC4Newbie CNCs
    • Mill Right CNCs
    • Ooznest WorkBee
    • Nomad
    • Carvey
    • Mill One, and more…
  • JavaScript-based CNC interface software which leverages Electron for cross platform use. The software runs under Linux (both Intel and ARM architectures are supported), macOS, and Windows.

Support: GitHub Code Repository
Developer: Sienci Labs Inc.
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

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gSender is written in JavaScript. Learn JavaScript with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

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