
Olivia – Elegant, Powerful Cloud Music Player For Linux

Last Updated on September 26, 2020

Other Features

There’s a mini mode available which is handy for screens with low resolution.

Olivia - Mini Mode

Lyrics are neatly implemented. From the queue, you can show lyrics, although they are not cached.

Olivia - Lyrics

Olivia - Graphic Equalizers

The dreaded graphic equalizer! By default, it’s not enabled. And you’ll have to slip me a few gold sovereigns to enable them. As an audiophile, I prefer listening to music the way artists intended.

But if you’re listening to music on an inexpensive pair of audio speakers, you might want or need to intentionally boost or suppress certain frequencies with the master equalizers, or the ‘super’ audio filters. Each to their own.

There are sliders to adjust the left / right balance, and a slider to change the playback rate (maybe useful if you stream podcast material).

And there’s more:

  • Organize music.
  • Downloads songs while streaming.
  • Support themes, dynamic theme based on album art.
  • Search suggestions.
  • Watch video of any song you want in your preferred audio and video quality.

Next page: Page 6 – Settings

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – YouTube
Page 4 – Internet Radio
Page 5 – Other Features
Page 6 – Settings
Page 7 – Summary

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