12 Best Free and Open Source Terminal-Based News Aggregators

A news aggregator is software which collect news, weblog posts, and other information from the web so that they can be read in a single location for easy viewing. With the range of news sources available on the internet, news aggregators play an essential role in helping users to quickly locate breaking news.

For individuals that read lots of weblogs, a news aggregator makes keeping track of them effortless, and particularly useful if the weblogs are only updated occasionally.

There are a number of different file formats which information publishers use. The most frequently ones are RSS and Atom. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. It is a defined standard based on XML with the specific purpose of delivering updates to web-based content. In other words, RSS is a Web content syndication format.

This article features the finest terminal-based news aggregators. Only free and open source software is included here. Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style chart.

Ratings chart

Click the links in the table below to learn more about each aggregator.

Terminal-Based News Aggregators
NewsboatSnazzy RSS feed reader
ElfeedExtensible web feed reader for Emacs, supporting both Atom and RSS
goreadGo-based news feed reader
gorssSimple RSS/Atom reader written in Golang
tuifeedNews feed reader with a fancy terminal user interface
SnownewsText mode reader for RSS and Atom feeds written in C
moccasinTUI feed reader for RSS, Atom, and (eventually) Podcasts
nomRSS reader for the terminal written in Go
CAST-textFull-text RSS terminal reader
srssSimple command-line news feed reader
newsroomModern CLI to get your favorite news
CantoCrank through feeds using a minimal, yet information packed interface

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