
Spotlighting the Top Open Source Crafting Tools

Handicraft is a term that describes many different types of work where practical and decorative objects are made by hand or by using only simple tools. Depending on your location, the phrase ‘arts and crafts’ may be more commonly used.

Collective terms for handicrafts include artisanry, handicrafting, crafting, and handicraftsmanship. This article focuses on crafting using your hands.

This article highlights versatile open source software that aids cross-stitching and knot design. The software featured here helps individuals create their own charts from scratch or generate charts from imported pictures. Good quality open source software in this field is very sparse, fortunately there are still a few real gems. Our recommendations are captured in this ratings chart.

Ratings chart for best free and open source crafting tools

To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled the following list of software. Hopefully there will be something of interest for anyone who wants to make full use of their creative talents.

Let’s explore the software at hand. For each title we have compiled its own portal page, a screenshot of the software in action, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources.

Crafting Tools
KXStitchCross-stitch pattern creator and editor for KDE
Ink/StitchMachine embroidery design platform based on Inkscape
EmbroidermodderMachine embroidery software tool
CrostiGraphic conversion utility to create cross stitches
CstitchConvert images to cross stitch patterns
KnotterConfigurable interlace designer
Best Free and Open Source Software Read our complete collection of recommended free and open source software. Our curated compilation covers all categories of software.

Spotted a useful open source Linux program not covered on our site? Please let us know by completing this form.

The software collection forms part of our series of informative articles for Linux enthusiasts. There are hundreds of in-depth reviews, open source alternatives to proprietary software from large corporations like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, and Autodesk.

There are also fun things to try, hardware, free programming books and tutorials, and much more.

Originally Published on 2 July 2020

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3 years ago

AWESOME! Very exciting to know so much exists here. “Crafting”, & “Creating” with all-helpful guides. Just exactly what I wished for!