xcowsay is a tiny utility that displays a cow with a speech bubble containing some text. It’s free and open source goodness.
Read moreAuthor: Steve Emms
dutree – reclaim precious hard disk space
dutree is a command line tool to analyze disk usage. It’s written in the Rust programming language. It’s free and open source software. How does it compare to other disk usage analyzers?
Read moreTerminal Phase – space shooting game in your terminal
Terminal Phase is a space shooting game that runs in your terminal. It’s free and open source written in the Racket programming language.
Read more17 Best Free Console Based Linux Multimedia Apps
The vast majority of Linux users would never be satisfied without access to a graphical user interface. However, even in 2020 there remain many reasons why console based applications can be extremely desirable. Although console applications are very useful for updating, configuring, and repairing a system, their benefits are not only confined to system administration.
Read moreconrad – conferences and meetups on your terminal
conrad is a free and open source command-line tool designed to help you track conferences and meetups. The tool is written in Python.
Read moreExcellent Utilities: exa – replacement for ls
exa is a replacement for the venerable ls command. exa sports more features and arguably better defaults than ls.
Read moreLinuxLinks: Our most-read stories of 2019
We’ve run through our statistics, and found our ten most well received posts/series that saw the highest page views for 2019.
Read moreLinux Candy: nyancat – Terminal-based Pop Tart Cat Animation
nyancat is an animated, color, ANSI-text program that renders a loop of the classic Nyan Cat animation. It’s free and open source candy.
Read moreGolly – exploring cellular automata like the Game of Life
Golly is a free and open source cross-platform application for exploring Conway’s Game of Life and many other types of cellular automata.
Read moregorss – simple RSS/Atom reader written in Golang
gorss is a simple free and open source RSS/Atom reader. It’s written in the Golang language. The program offers support for highlighting specific words.
Read moreExcellent Utilities: ripgrep – recursively search directories for a regex pattern
ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern. It’s free and open source software.
Read moreLinux Candy: CMatrix – terminal based “The Matrix”
CMatrix is an ncurses program that simulates the display from “The Matrix”, and is based on the screensaver from the movie’s website.
Read moreEssential System Tools: TLP – power management package
If you use Linux on a notebook, TLP is for you. It saves laptop battery power with a wide variety of features. There’s processor frequency scaling, Wifi power saving, hard disk advanced power management, GPU power management and much more.
Read moreLinux Candy: lolcat – rainbows and unicorns
lolcat applies rainbow colors to text output in the terminal. It works in a similar way to the venerable cat command but jazzes things up.
Read moreExcellent Utilities: cheat.sh – community driven cheat sheet
cheat.sh offers unified access to the best community driven documentation repositories of the world via curl/browser interface. There’s also an installable utility for more flexibility.
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