
Vooki – lightweight image viewer offering fast image preview

Last Updated on September 1, 2020

In Operation

Here’s an image of Vooki in action.

Click for full size image

The program supports all the common image formats within its main code base. This means the software has far fewer external dependencies than other comparable image viewers.

The viewer does not intentionally demosaic the RAW images. Instead it displays the embedded thumbnail.

Vooki offers a full screen or window mode, and there’s some transformation functionality which lets you flip, rotate, and zoom images. The program supports Apple’s high definition trackpad gestures, and remembers recent files.

There’s good support for keyboard shortcuts which are customizable. They let you perform almost all actions which means you can navigate your image library without leaving the keyboard.

Next page: Page 3 – Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary

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