MyTourbook lets you visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike- or exercise computer and ergometer.
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The Linux Portal Site
MyTourbook lets you visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike- or exercise computer and ergometer.
Read moreThis article picks the finest photo geotagging tools. All of the software featured is free and open source goodness.
Read moreThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation satellite system consisting of a network of satellites.
Read moreGeotagging is a simple tool for manipulating with geographical information stored in JPEG images (in EXIF section).
Read moreSatellite is an adaptive GTK3 / libhandy application which displays global navigation satellite system (GNSS: GPS et al.) data.
Read moreZombieTrackerGPS (ZTGPS) can manage collections of GPS tracks from biking, hiking, rafting, light aircraft, and many other activities.
Read moreOpen Cache Manager is an easy to use program for managing your geocaches, with the goal of being the Linux equivalent to GSAK.
Read moreNavit is an open source car navigation system with routing engine. Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats.
Read moreQMapShack provides a versatile open source tool for GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin’s img vector map format.
Read moreGPSBabel is software for GPS file conversion and transfer to/from GPS units. It has a command-line interface and a graphical interface.
Read moreTraccar is an open source modern GPS tracking system for various GPS tracking devices. The project is written in Java.
Read moreFoxtrotGPS is a GTK+ based mapping and GPS application. It’s typically used to show a moving map showing your position in real time.
Read moregpsd is a service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes or AIS receivers attached to a host computer through serial or USB ports.
Read moreGPXSee is a Qt-based GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports all common GPS log file formats.
Read moreMobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) is software that creates offline atlases of raster maps for cellphones and GPS devices. Free and open source.
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