
12 Remarkable Free Shell Scripting Books – Part 3

Last Updated on August 22, 2023

9. Gawk: Effective AWK Programming

By Arnold D. Robbins (HTML, ASCII, Tex dvi, PDF, Texinfo source, Info document; 508 pages)Gawk: Effective AWK Programming

GAWK: Effective AWK Programming is a user’s guide for GNU Awk.

The book introduces the awk programming language, going into depth to explain the many features of the language and its syntax, and detailing the various GNU extensions.

Chapters cover:

  • The awk Language
  • Problem Solving With awk
  • Moving Beyond Standard awk With gawk
  • Appendices

10. C-shell Cookbook

By Malcolm J. Currie (HTML, PDF; 60 pages)C-shell Cookbook

C-shell Cookbook illustrates some relevant techniques for creating C-shell scripts that combine Starlink software to improve your productivity, without you having to read a UNIX manual.

The book aims to give practical and reassuring examples to at least get you started. It does not seek to offer a comprehensive description of C-shell syntax and facilities.

Chapters cover:

  • Running a script
  • Shell Variables
  • Arithmetic
  • String Processing
  • Dealing with Files

11. Linux 101 Hacks

By Ramesh Natarajan (PDF, HTML; 140 pages)Linux 101 Hacks

Linux 101 Hacks is a 12 chapter, 140 page manual which explains easy to follow Linux commands. Ramesh Natarajan describes how to use these commands, with clear and concise examples.

This ebook has chapters on:

  • Powerful Command Hacks
  • Date Manipulation
  • SSH Client Commands
  • Essential Linux Commands
  • Linux Prompts
  • Colorful Shell Prompt Using PS1
  • Archive and Compression
  • Command Line History
  • System Administration Tasks
  • Apachectl and HTTPD Examples
  • Bash Scripting
  • System Monitoring and Performance
  • Bonus hacks

12. Put Yourself in Command

By Free Software Foundation (PDF, Multi-page HTML; 136 pages)Put Yourself in Command

This book was initially written at LibrePlanet, the GNU/Linux conference hosted at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA, on March 21, 22 2009.

Topics covered include:

  • Basic commands, including sections on permissions, manipulating processes and redirection, Absolute and relative paths
  • Globbing
  • Auto completion
  • Piping commands
  • Command History
  • Command & Parameter Substitution
  • Customizations
  • Installing Software
  • Exploration of text editors including nano, vi, vim, emacs, kedit, kwrite, kate, and gedit
  • Scripting
  • Programming languages including Perl, Awk, Ruby, and Python
  • Command Quick Reference

Back to the Beginning: 12 Remarkable Free Shell Scripting Books – Part 1

This article is divided into three parts:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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