Best Free Android Apps: Feeder – feed reader

Last Updated on February 26, 2021

There’s a strict eligibility criteria for inclusion in this series. See the Eligibility Criteria section below.

Feeder is a simple feed reader for Android.

The software offers all of the essential features we want from a RSS reader. It can parse HTML and displays it natively. It supports offline reading, background synchronization, and offers notifications.

Click image for full size

Other features include:

  • Add and delete feeds.
  • All common feed formats including JSONFeed are supported.
  • Sync feeds.
  • Share articles.
  • Image loading.
  • Theme – Day, Night, and follow system setting.
  • Sort by newest first or oldest first.
  • Battery optimization.
  • Define the maximum number of items per feed.
  • Choose to load images only on WiFi, and the option to show thumbnails.
  • Choose how to open links.
  • Export feeds to OPML. OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML format for outlines. Support for importing and exporting RSS feed lists in OPML format is available in many RSS reader web sites and applications.
  • Import feeds to OPML.

FavouriteFeeder is a simple yet exquisite RSS feed reader for Android. It’s a particularly efficient way of keeping up-to-date on your favourite web sites.

We particularly like that the feeder doesn’t track your activities, and there’s no need to create an account to use the app.

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Eligibility criteria

For an Android app to be awarded our love, it must satisfy the following criteria:
bullet-valid-icon High quality with a good set of features, stable in operation and mature software;
bullet-valid-icon No charge to use the app;
bullet-valid-icon No intrusive ads in the program;
bullet-valid-icon Open source and proprietary software can be included;
bullet-valid-icon Apps where additional functionality is available for a payment can be included where appropriate.
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