Beginner to Linux

A Beginner’s Introduction to Linux

Welcome to the wonderful world of Linux. You’ll embrace a plethora of free open source software, with more choices than you could possibly imagine. There are hundreds of actively-maintained Linux distributions, dozens of different desktop environments, and tens of thousands of open source applications covering the whole gamut: games, multimedia and graphics tools, internet apps, utilities, development environments, and much more.

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Focus on Your Writing by Using Markdown Editors

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber in 2004. It is designed to be easy-to-read and easy-to-write. Readability is at the very heart of Markdown. It offers the advantages of plain text, provides a convenient format for writing for the web, but it is not intended to be a replacement for HTML. Markdown is a writing format, not a publishing format.

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5 Highly Promising Cross-Platform IDEs

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to programmers for software development. Many coders learn to code using a text editor but in time they move towards using an IDE as this type of software application makes the art of coding quicker and more efficient. For example, IDEs have semantic knowledge of the programming language which highlights coding problems while typing. Compiling is ‘on the fly’ and debugging is integrated. Some languages are built around IDE support.

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Eat The Whistle

24 Extra Hot Free Linux Games (Part 3 of 3)

For many individuals, computer gaming is nowadays an essential part of everyday life. This should not be seen as a negative. Whilst violent computer games have sometimes been identified as contributory factors in criminal activity, and undeniably they can be very addictive, it is important to recognise the real benefits that games offer besides simply providing a means of great entertainment.

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5 Best Alternative Free Linux File Managers

The file manager is one of those essential applications for many users which is almost impossible to function without. Linux is blessed with a large range of file managers which help to make file management a breeze. Our File Manager Group Test identified mature, polished file managers. However, for this feature, we wanted to select alternative file managers which are definitely worth trying but may have been missed given that they receive little coverage in Linux publications, and are not included or installed by default in mainstream Linux distributions.

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Network Servers

7 Best Free Application Servers

An application server is computer software which provides the business logic for an application program. It offers services such as management of large distributed systems, data services, load balancing, transaction support, and network security. The application server is one part of a three-tier application, consisting of a graphical interface server, an application (business logic) server, and a database / transaction server. Many application servers support the Java platform, but they can be found in other environments.

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