
Halo – Weather software written in Python

Last Updated on August 24, 2020

In operation

Here’s an image of Halo in operation.


The menu (three vertical dots) lets users define additional locations. You have the choice of metric, scientific, or Fahrenheit units.

There’s a choice between history and forecast. The former shows a temperature line graph for the previous day, and the forecast provides a 5 day weather forecast. The free plan limits the historic weather data to the previous day.

According to the excellent ps_mem utility, Halo uses about 95MB of RAM in operation.

Other Features

  • Add custom API keys.
  • Ability to change the background image. Image formats supported: PNG and JPEG.
  • Fast data loading times.
  • Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Stores its information in an SQlite database.

Next page: Page 3 – Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation / Other Features
Page 3 – Summary

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Emilio Fontana
Emilio Fontana
5 years ago

“The free plan limits the historic weather data to the previous day.”

Could one not save the date each day in one’s own database and then plot the historical data from that stored data to give a view of changes over the last week or last month?